Saturday, April 6, 2013

One Piece and Letter Bee

Author's note: I wrote this piece to demostrate my understanding of compare and contrast

What if One Piece and Letter Bee were pitted against each other to see which book is better? I am comparing the two books One Piece and Letter Bee and their two main characters. The two main characters are Luffy and Lag. Both characters have many similarities and differences.

One of the similarities is that they both have really strange animals. Luffy’s strange animal is a deer that can transform into all these cool forms including a giant deer form. Lag’s strange animal is a creature called Steak that when someone cooks him, his fur curls.

Another similarity is they both have strange powers.
Lag’s strange power is he can make a piece of his heart resonate in monsters, which destroys.Luffy’s strange power is that he  can stretch his body like rubber.

They both have friends that they count on. Luffy counts on his first mate, Zoro, who is a swordsman. Lag counts on his friend, Niche, whose hair is the golden sword.

A difference is that Luffy is more courageous than Lag. Luffy is more upbeat than Lag and because of that, Lag cries more than Luffy. This last difference is that Lag’s mom is alive and Luffy’s dad is alive.

Luffy and Lag may be two different characters but they have similarities and differences. One Piece and Letter Bee may be two different books but they are very good books and I will continue to read them.

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