Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Real Chirstmas Trees Rule

 Author's note: real trees rule

A Christmas tree should should be real.  I have a real tree every year on Christmas.  Fake trees may last longer than real trees but real trees are full of life.  Real trees make my home much prettier than any fake tree would.  Real trees help people make money .   They do this by growing little baby tress many years earlier to become Christmas  trees and selling them.  These trees are then decorated with lights, ornaments and finally the star on top. Pine trees can be a hybrid in order to make a tree that won’t lose it’s needles.  Pine trees also smell better than plastic fake trees.  If a fake tree is thrown away, it is harmful to the environment.  But when a real tree is thrown away it can be chipped up and used to make wood chips.  So as you can see, I think for many reasons that real Christmas trees are better than fake Christmas trees.

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