Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ellie and Sieg

Author's note: I wrote this piece to demonstrate my understanding of predicting

What would it be like for you if you had no past? Meet Ellie. Ellie is a main character in Rave Master by Hiro Mashima. Ellie can’t remember anything from her past.  She is one of three main characters who are searching for the Rave stones. The Rave stones give anyone who bears them immense power. I predict that Ellie will die in the end of the story.

The reason that I think Ellie will die is that she bears a power called Aetherion. If Aetherion activates it will tear Ellie's body apart and destroy the world. However, there is a man named Sieg Hart that wants to kill her to make sure that it doesn’t happen.

Sieg Hart uses element spells like lighting and poison.  He uses his most powerful spells on Ellie to make sure he kills her.  Ellie is dying little by little because of Sieg’s spells.

These are my reasons why Ellie might die in the end. I feel bad for Ellie because she could get killed by Aetherion or Sieg Hart. Unless Ellie’s friends save her, it might be the end for her.

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