Monday, November 19, 2012

Raymond's Run

Author's note : I wrote this piece to demonstrate my learning of Character development.

I don’t got most work like most girls do.” This line is from Raymond’s Run written by Toni Cade Bambara. The girl who said this is Squeaky. Squeaky is short and has a squeaky voice. Although Squeaky may seem mean at the the beginning of the book, she does change at the end.

One thing that made her seem mean is when Squeaky said: “That’s right fatso. And another word out of anybody and I be their mother too. ” This shows Squeaky is mean and bossy.  Another thing she said was: ”I always win cause I’m the best” . Squeaky thinks she is better than anyone else when she’s not.  However, during the story, Squeaky starts to change.

One thing that signifies she is changing is when Squeaky said: “I sorta like her for the first time.” The girl Squeaky was talking about is Gretchen.  Of course, in the beginning they were both mean to each other. However, in the end they were nice to each other.  A last thing that made me think she changed is when Squeaky said this about Gretchen: “Cause she’s good no doubt about it. “ Squeaky changed when she saw her brother and deidced to be nice to the other girls.

Many things Squeaky said made her seem mean.  In the middle of the book,  Squeaky changes and she becomes nicer to Gretchen.  This change was gradual and  happened throughout the story. It made feel happy to see a character change for the better the way Squeaky did in this story.

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