Monday, October 24, 2011

I am proud to live in the United States of America.

 Author's  note : i am very proud of   United States of America.   

I am proud of my country because we fought for the right to have freedom of speech. We fought for the right of religious freedoms.  We also gave women the right to vote.
We gave girls the right to go to school.  We helped other countries during natural disasters and our own: earthquakes, tornados, tsunamis, and hurricanes.

We have freedom of speech.  Some other countries don’t have freedom of speech.  Freedom of speech is what we believe in.  Freedom of speech means that we can believe in whatever we want and talk about it without being arrested.

 We have the right to choose our own religion.  Some countries do not have religious freedoms.  Yet we do.  If you were in another country and you believed in the wrong religion you could get arrested or even killed. 

The right to vote means everybody 18 and over can vote in the United States. Before that law passed only men could vote. Some countries don’t let women vote. I can’t wait to vote for the President some day.

Freedom of education means everybody can go to school.  In some countries, they don’t allow girls to get an education.  In the United States, anyone can go to school and get an education. 

We help other countries during natural disasters and also our own disasters like earthquakes, tornados, tsunamis and hurricanes.  Some countries can’t help each other.  The United States enters other countries right away to help clean up after natural disasters, feed people, and give people temporary homes.

As you can see I am very proud of the United States of America. I am proud and happy that I live in America. I am proud that I can live with my family in a place where we are happy and free. I am also proud that I live in a time where women can vote and girls can go to school. America rocks!



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