Friday, March 16, 2012

do not drill for oil !

Author's note: i think we snould not drill for oil in Alaska

Should the United States drill for oil in Alaska? I don't think we should drill for oil in Alaska because it can harm the environment of Alaska. Drilling would be harmful to animals, trees, rivers and to the beauty of the land.

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Alaska is the home to many animals like the Arctic Wolves and the Polar Bears. If we would drill in Alaska they might become extinct. We would have to cut down trees to make room for roads and pipelines. Leaking oil could harm the water quality of rivers and lakes in Alaska. If animals or humans drank that water they might die or get sick. Underground pipes and waste will soil Alaska's beautiful land.

We should not drill for oil because it will harm animals, trees, rivers and the beauty of Alaska. If all of these great natural resources disappeared or are ruined because oil drilling, then Alaska will never be the same.

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Courtesy of the National Resources Defense Council, November 10, 2005.

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