Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Week We Got Oscar

Author's note: this is a Personal Narrative about the time we got Oscar 

This is a story about when my family got our dog, Oscar, right after Christmas two years ago. Before we got Oscar, we were up north in Minocqua.  We were up north because we were celebrating Christmas and an early birthday for me.  My cousin, Asia, came home with us for Christmas break.

A couple of days after Christmas, Asia wanted a hamster. We went to the nearest pet store to get one and there was a puppy there named Coal because he was a pure bred black lab. We bought the hamster and asked to play with the puppy. Coal looked so sad in his cage and when we played with him, he perked up.

After a while, we had to leave the pet store so we drove home with the hamster. Vincent, Stevie, Asia and I begged mom and dad to get Coal.  A little while later, my mom drove off and came back with Coal!  We were all surprised and in disbelief that we a got a puppy.

My mom said we should change his name, so we did. We thought of names for him. Stevie and I wanted to name him Shadow, however, my dad said it was a girl’s name.  Therefore, we all voted on Oscar.
We changed it to Oscar and Asia named her hamster Oreo.  We found out that Oscar’s birthday is October 13 so he is about to turn three.

When Oscar got home from the pet store, he was not that sad little puppy anymore. He was really excited and happy to be with us. From the start, he was a trouble maker.  He kept getting in the garbage and stealing our toys and stuffed animals.  When he was too naughty, he had to go to his cage. He went in his cage a lot but we still love him. No matter what he does, he is fun to have around.

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