Monday, October 22, 2012

Rave Master

Author's note: This piece is about  Conflict/Resolution in the story rave master. I wrote this to demonstrate my understanding of Conflict/Resolution

In the book Rave Master by Hiro Mashima, the main conflict is between Haru and Schneider and it’s over power. Schneider is an assassin sent by Shuda who is Schneider’s boss. Schneider wants to kill Haru, however, Haru fights back.

Haru eventually wins the battle. He does it by slashing Schneider many times at high speeds with a magical stone. The stone is called the Rave of Wisdom. The Rave of Wisdom also gave his sword special powers that allowed him to move at high speeds. Haru was a hero in this story and he won the battle and got more power.   Rachel Ward

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